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Traditionally, the key driver for BPO activities has been cost reduction. However, with the wider benefits of outsourcing now being recognized, companies are increasingly viewing these services as strategic and essential elements of their business strategy.

The key factors that are driving outsourcing include:

High-quality work.
Fast turn-around time on projects.

Cost savings from using offshore IT services firms (offsetting the additional management overheads).
Smooth operations and superior management.

Access to skills and talent that may not be available from within the company
 The benefits of IT Offshore Outsourcing:

Financial restructuring improves the business's financial position while reducing or at the very least containing costs.
Redirecting the business and IT into core competencies.

Strengthening resources and flexibility in technology and services to underpin the business’ strategic direction.
Facilitating and supporting major organizational change.

Business innovation comes with improving and innovating in processes, skills and technology, while mediating financial risk through the vendor, in order to achieve competitive advantage.
Enhanced profit generation through joint ventures and vendor partners.

  OutsourcingContactCenter Business

Outsourcing non-core and IT services has become the business strategy for growth in the new millennium. Managers need no longer justify outsourcing: rather, they have to justify work done internally that could be done better outside the organization. Contact centers have thus become catalysts for business transformation; freeing up businesses to focus on core activities. We have experienced that contact center BPO is popular because it fits the profile for realizing enormous cost savings.

Contact centers are skilled manpower intensive.

Wages and benefits are a big part of the cost, so moving to a location where wages are between one-tenth and one-half of the comparable pay scale in the US, Canada or Western Europe certainly adds up to big savings.

Outbound calls mostly can be scripted, making it easy to train low-paid workers, as long as their social and language skills are adequate.

Inbound calls often bring large numbers of predictable questions or requests so that responses can be scripted as well

 Knowledge Hub
  Outsourcing to good offshore companies like Allied Technologies transforms the contact center into a potential knowledge hub to identify processes that are not working well with a view to reduce waste. Typically, contact centers are well defined - a room full of people with telephone headset and therefore easy to outsource, but in customer contact, as in BPO generally, the push now is to broaden the definition and make the solution more comprehensive. We are always sensitive to our client’s needs as they look for ways to get more value from their providers.

 Client Retention
  Clients acknowledge that quality of service is the key to attract and maintain customer loyalty on a long-term basis. Particularly in the services sector like airlines and hospitality, a contact center is the difference between being in business and out of business. In other industries, contact centers help companies quickly overhaul service and improve their image. In fact, a contact center is a strategic asset that companies can use to strengthen customer relationships, learn more about customers and therefore serve them better. This improves the bottom line. Thus contact centers have evolved from being cost centers to profit centers.

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